Once upon a time…

I suppose now’s as good a time as any to talk a little bit about the story we have in mind for Fallout: NBE.

There isn’t a great deal of lore written about the UK and what happened with us during the war (either that or we just can’t find it) so we’re just making the most part up. The UK wasn’t hit by nukes much during the war, just a few of the major cities took direct hits including where this game will be set – London.

The main meat of the story revolves around a civil war between to factions.

  • The New British Order (NBO)
  • God Save the King (GSK)

NBO believe in maintaining democracy and consists of the last remnants of the previous government that held power. They are (for the most part) quite peaceful, choosing their fights carefully and only when they believe it will be for the benefit of the nation. They operate out of Churchill’s secret WWII bunker which was restored and modernised in secret by Vault-Tec at the request of the former government.

GSK, the remnants of the line of succession to the throne are led by the self titled Prince George, is 147th in line to the throne which makes him (as far as we know) entitled to become King. He is, quite frankly completely mad, as are most of his followers who believe it is time for change and want to bring back the monarchy to its former glory and full power. They’ve taken control of the Tower of London where they often perform executions of those who oppose their views and lock others in the infamous dungeons.

This is very early stages so the story is probably going to change in some small ways but the main story will follow this civil war in one way or another.

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